
The Cradle of Humanity

Join us for a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to connect with local and global conservationists, activists and community systems thinkers in beautiful Uganda.

Sep 8, 2025
Sep 19, 2025
12 days
Nature & Environment
Equality & Democracy
Self & Belonging
Systems & Cities

Impact Safari Uganda: The Cradle of Humanity  

Guided by Zoologist, Conservationist and Behavioural Change expert Brooke Squires alongside Small Giants Academy Founder Danny Almagor, embrace local access to Uganda.

Embrace once-in-a-lifetime connections and conversations with a curated cohort of purpose-driven humans. Engage in exclusive workshops, talks and meetings with some of the leading local and global conservationists, activists and community systems thinkers.

With natural riches and a melting of unique native and foreign cultures, over 50 tribes flourish within a 93,064 sq mi (241,037 sq km) inland nation, the size of Britain. The people of Uganda possess a beautiful, generous, and resilient soul—going through years of civil wars and political power struggle but still welcoming all kinds of people to their lands.

Be confronted with your own humanity coming face to face with the silverback Gorillas which we share around 98% of our DNA with.

This Impact Safari is for those who are seeking to re-think the systems they are living in and contributing to, their position in deep time and embracing polarising ways of being. To be in service of a thriving planet, mobilising towards the next economy.

Who is this program for?

Impact Safari Uganda is designed for a diverse cohort of humans all activating their communities in service to a thriving planet. This may look like business leaders, impact pioneers, activists,  policy makers and capital holders.

This Impact Safari is by application only, with limited capacity.


Our curated trips guide you through engaging head, heart and hands toward self inquiry essential to mobilise toward a thriving society and a flourishing ecology. We believe our inner worlds deeply effect our influence on the earth and the communities surrounding us, therefore its necessary when diving into BIG work to create expansive containers to relate to and question the world around us.

Start: Entebbe, Uganda

End: Kigali, Rwanda

September 8, 2025
September 19, 2025
12 days

Safari Program -
Based on previous years.



Arrive in Entebbe, located on Lake Victoria peninsula. Where our journey begins. Meet and share intentions with your cohort of adventure-minded peers over long lunch and a visit to the Entebbe Botanical Gardens laid out in the 1890s with colonialist roots explore the reclamation of indigenous flora & fauna. Into our first of many local dinners.


Chimpanzee Sanctuary

Rise early for morning meditation. After breakfast we make our way to Ngamba Island Chimpanzee Sanctuary, a haven for orphaned Eastern Chimps. Followed by the Uganda Wildlife Education Centre, to understand the effect of education in conservation - education and experience as a vehicle for sustainable change. Spend the afternoon in workshop and get an early night for our next day adventures.


Murchison Falls

This morning we make our way to Murchison Falls also known as Kabalega Falls, at the apex of Lake Albert on the Victoria Nile. Witness the equivalent of 200 bathtubs full of water forced through a gorge less than seven paces wide, every second. Ground shaking. Before jumping aboard a boat along the White Nile.


Rhino Sanctuary

Wake and begin the day in workshop before game driving through Murchison Falls National Park. Spend the afternoon at Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary, the proud home of the only white rhinos in Uganda.


Kihaguzi and Kigaragara

Spend the morning with Boomu, meaning ‘together,’ Women's Group, formed in 1999 from women across two local villages, Kihaguzi and Kigaragara. Before making our way to Hoima for the evening.


Jane Goodall Institute

One of the greatest legacies of the Jane Goodall Institute’s commitment to people and wildlife has been conservation education programs. The Roots & Shoots Education Project in Hoima is aimed at supporting the youth of Uganda and enabling them to take an active role in conservation. Visit local projects including schools, to see the “Root & Shoots” program first-hand as well as a water spring, bee keeping and community nursery programs. Each project is aimed at helping communities live alongside wildlife.


Queen Elizabeth National Park

Today we are back into game driving through Queen Elizabeth National Park. The second largest park in Uganda and is home to a diverse array of wildlife including lion, leopard, elephant and various bird species. We will stay overnight at our lodge overlooking the beautiful expanses of the park. Enjoy sundowners and conversation in the warm night air.


Kalinzu Forest

The Kalinzu forest, which borders Queen Elizabeth National Park, is home to several families of Chimpanzees. This will be one of the highlights of your Ugandan journey. Once you witness these amazing primates you will understand what inspired Dr Jane Goodall to dedicate her entire life to fighting for their survival. After our morning trek we will head into the park for lunch and a relaxing cruise on the Kazinga Channel which runs between Lake George and Lake Edward.


To Kisoro

Surrounded by towering extinct volcanoes and crater lakes, we will make our way to Kisoro through the Ishasha sector of Queen Elizabeth National Park. Ishasha is famous for its tree climbing lions who perch themselves in the huge fig trees in order to keep a look out for prey or to enjoy the cool breezes on a hot summer day. Tonight, we will stay at Travellers Rest Guest House. The guest house was made famous by eminent primatologist, Dian Fossey who based herself at Travellers Rest while undertaking her gorilla research in DR Congo.

DAY 10

Gorilla Trek

Today we trek to the Mountain Gorillas. To spend an unforgettable day with some of the last mountain gorillas on earth will live in your memory forever.

DAY 11

Mabungo Village & Lake Mutanda

Mabungo Village is nestled into the foothills of magnificent Mt Muhavura, on the outskirts of Kisoro. We will spend the morning visiting the village to experience traditional Ugandan life – music, dancing and food. In the afternoon we will take a short drive to Lake Mutanda where we will set out in a traditional canoe to spend the afternoon on this peaceful lake. Lake Mutanda is famous for its otters and water birds. You can either sit back and relax or grab a paddle and lend a hand.

DAY 12


This morning we will depart Kisoro and head to Kigali, Rwanda. We will drop you at the airport for flights after 3pm or a central Kigali location, if you wish to stay and explore the beautiful capital of Rwanda.

Your Guides

Danny Almagor

Danny Almagor is co-founder (with his wife Berry) and the Executive Chair of Small Giants. Danny was the inaugural Social Entrepreneur in Residence at RMIT, the founder and former CEO of Engineers Without Borders Australia and is the co-founder and Chair of the Impact Investment Group. He has founded over a dozen for profit and non profit organisations including The Sociable Weaver, The Impact Club, and Beyond Creative. He has served on numerous boards, including Tom Organic, The School of Life, The Cape ecovillage, Pacific Biotechnologies, Smiling Mind, The Gross National Happiness Centre in Bhutan.

He has studied Aerospace Engineering, Business Administration and outdoor education. He loves to cook, read, rock climb, talk about philosophy, garden, travel and jump on the trampoline with his three kids. He doesn’t like to run marathons, watch horror films, drink beer, spend time on social media, or invest in anything that isn’t impact.

Brooke Squires

Brooke Squires has worked in zoos, national parks and conservation areas around the world for more than 25 years. Her enduring love for the wildlife and people of Africa began as a child when her family was stationed in South Africa. During her 23 years working at Zoos Victoria in Australia, Brooke cared for African wildlife as a keeper then moved to work in the Wildlife Science and Conservation team, developing and implementing community conservation programs in Kenya and the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Brooke has worked in partnership with the Jane Goodall Institute, the Northern Rangelands Trust, and various community tourism projects, which has fuelled her passion to ensure that tourism benefits local people and actively conserves the precious wildlife of Africa.

“All the work I have been involved in throughout Africa has convinced me that the most sustainable way to save wildlife and support communities is through linked livelihoods such as community-based ecotourism. I love RAW Africa, I love our programs, our staff, our amazing communities, our unforgettable wildlife and the incredible friendships we make with people who see Africa through our eyes and come on journeys with us. That’s what we do, that’s what makes us RAW.”

Brooke holds a BSc in Zoology and a Masters in International Community Development.

Anna Yelland

Anna is the Head of Impact Safari at Small Giants Academy. She joined the Small Giants team following her death-walker training with DumboFeather Alumni, Zenith Virago. With a yearning to better understand human nature, behavioural change and the cyclical rhythm of our lives.

Her work is informed by her study and practice in the fine arts. She feels grateful to deliver these transformational programs, supporting the guides and the cohorts wellbeing before, throughout and after the Safari. She has now produced Impact Safari through, Israel/Palestine, lurtuwita/Tasmania, Bhutan and Scandinavia. In her downtime you can catch her writing, wandering galleries and creating spaces for humans to rewild.


Benson was part of the team that habituated the first Gorilla group in Uganda and is a Great Ape expert and one of RAW Africa Eco-Tours’ most experienced leaders.“Western Uganda is so rich in flora and fauna, especially the mountain gorillas, the scenery of the highlands will leave a smile on your face that will last a lifetime.”

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“It’s been ten of the most fascinating days of my life - indescribable days. The best form of travel I’ve ever done - I would pay twice as much and do it for twice as long. Just do it. Trust yourself and do it.” — John McMurdo, CEO Australian Ethical
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Join us and engage with the beauty, generosity and resilience of this incredible country.

This 12-day Impact Safari costs $11,395 AUD, plus GST.

This is an all-inclusive cost for the duration of the program, including accomodation, in-country travel, meals, Gorilla Trek and National Park Permits. This cost is exclusive of return flights from your origin to Uganda. You must obtain your own Visa's and Personal Travel insurance.

Impact Safari is an initiative of Small Giants Academy, which is a registered not-for-profit charity. Our cancellation policy is intended to provide you with maximum flexibility while ensuring our team can make preparations to deliver the safari.

Please notify us of a cancellation by email so we can provide you with a refund minus the following cancellation fees:

Up to 12 weeks prior to the trip: Deposits and any balance received are refundable minus AUD$1200 cancellation fee

Within 12 weeks of the trip (unless an approved replacement is provided:) All funds received are non-refundable and can not be used as a credit.

Cancellation policy

I’m in. What next?

Smart move. To secure your place or ask any questions, please email Impact Safari Producer, Anna here:

Frequently asked

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